四川铜币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。由于川省银铜矿缺乏,加之辛亥革命以后军阀割据,致使中央政府《币制条例》关于铜币之原料比例、铜币面额的规定没有严格遵守,四川铜币发行量十分巨大,致使物价虚高、影响经济发展。四川铜币,自光绪二十九年(1903年)六月开铸,至民国二十四年(1935年)十一月法币开始流通才逐渐退出流通领域 。
The Sichuan Copper Coin is the currency cast by the local government of Sichuan Province during the late Qing and Beiyang periods. Due to the lack of silver and copper mines in Sichuan Province and the separation of warlords after the Revolution of 1911, the central government’s “Currency Regulations” on the proportion of raw materials for copper coins and the denomination of copper coins were not strictly observed. The circulation of Sichuan copper coins is very large, resulting in high prices and affecting the economy. development of. The Sichuan copper coin was opened in June of the 29th year of Guangxu (1903), and it was gradually withdrawn from circulation in November when the French currency began to flow in November of the Republic of China (1935).
After the Revolution of 1911, the Sichuan Dahan Military Government abolished the Qing Dynasty copper coin template in April 1912 and recast the "Han" copper coin. There were three denominations of 10, 20 and 50. In 1913, it was minted as a 100-character, 200-liter copper coin. In May 1913, the Chongqing Copper Bureau was completed. After entering the Beiyang era, the warlords were separated, the current situation was turbulent, and the price of copper was high. So the Sichuan Mint took a way to reduce the weight and increase the face value for personal gain. Since 1914, the special cast has been 100 articles and 200 bronzes.
Sichuan copper coins in the early Republic of China. In the middle of the coin, there is a "Sichuan Copper Coin" with 4 characters. The middle is the Begonia flower pattern. The upper eyebrow has the words "made by the military government", the lower part is the currency value, and there is a circle in the middle of the back. There is a "Han" character in the circle. There are 18 small circles around the circle, which symbolizes the independent 18-line province. The upper part is the "first year of the Republic of China", which is 10, 20, and 50.
民国元年4月,四川成都造币厂奉军政府之令,更换前清龙纹铜元旧模,雕版民国铜元新款。正式开铸军政府造四川铜币”,开模铸造“军政府造四川铜币”(也称“汉”字铜元)。开铸之初仅发行十文、二十文两种钱币。同年5月,又添铸当五十文一种,当年计铸十文铜元6055万余枚,二十文铜元1247万余枚,五十文铜元935万余枚。民国2年,除继续铸造十文、二十文、五十文铜元之外,又增铸重五钱八分的一百文铜元。 因此,一百文铜币,极为珍贵,市场价值更是不菲。
In April of the first year of the Republic of China, the Sichuan Chengdu Mint was ordered by the military government to replace the former Qinglong copper bronze old model and the new version of the bronze medal of the Republic of China. Officially opened the founding of the military government to create Sichuan copper coins, and mold-casting "the military government made Sichuan copper coins" (also known as the "Han" copper coin). At the beginning of the casting, only ten coins and twenty texts were issued. In May of the same year, It was also added as a kind of fifty-five. In that year, it was planned to cast more than 60.55 million pieces of Tongwen copper, more than 12.47 million pieces of twenty-two bronzes, and more than 9.35 million pieces of copper. In the Republic of China, in addition to continuing to cast ten articles and two In addition to the ten-character and fifty-five bronzes, it has also increased the number of bronzes with a weight of five yuan and eight cents. Therefore, one hundred copper coins are extremely precious, and the market value is even more expensive.
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