Sichuan Copper Coin Army evolved from Sichuan Copper Yuan coins. In the early Copper Yuan and Qing Dynasty, Guangxu 28 years (1902), the governor of Sichuan, Cen Chunxuan, first proposed founding Copper Yuan. In June of 1903, the Sichuan Copper Yuan Bureau was built. Its scale was not large. It was only used for repairing the waste machines that had purchased and cast small amounts of money. The workshop was a copper press and an old copper coin factory of the Machinery Bureau. The casting materials were the margin slag of the bullet shell of the Machinery Bureau and the surplus copper of the Baochuan Bureau. "Dangwu" and "Dangshi" copper yuan are cast in 96% copper, 0.1% lead and other proportions. The cast copper is pure copper with good quantity. As a result, Sichuan Copper Yuan has become one of the characteristics of the world Copper Yuan. The purpose of the coins issued by Sichuan Military Journal is to raise military salaries and maintain expenditure. At the same time, it is also to meet the needs of the road protection movement. Therefore, the "Han" copper coins have the attributes of military coins and civilian coins.
The military Sichuan copper coins were minted in June, 1903, and the French coins began to circulate in November, 1935 before gradually withdrawing from circulation. In 1900, a round porous copper coin (copper yuan) was coined in Guangdong. The following year, copying was permitted in coastal provinces along the Yangtze River. Sichuan Province has set up Sichuan Copper Yuan Bureau in Chengdu, casting five or ten denominations of copper coins, and adding twenty in July. In April 1912, the template of Daqing copper coin was abolished and the "Han" copper coin was recast. It has three denominations: 10, 20 and 50. In 1913, 100 and 200 coppers were added. Because the big circle on the opposite side of the coin is a seal book "Han" character, there are dozens of horizontal and straight lines on the bottom of the word "Han", so it is also called "Han" character copper yuan.
Sichuan copper coins are worth money. At the end of Guangxu, silver coins circulated in large quantities. In the Qing Dynasty, the provinces were ordered to stop casting silver coins on the grounds of their fineness, double differences and saving funds. At this time, Hong Kong began to cast "one immortal" coin copper yuan, which brought enlightenment to the Qing Dynasty. In Guangxu 26 (1900), Governor Li Hongzhang of Guangzhou and Guangdong started casting copper yuan in Guangdong. The popularity of copper yuan was well received by the market. In addition, Xingcast copper Yuan made a lot of profits. At the end of the twenty-seventh year of Guangxu (1901), the coastal provinces along the Yangtze River were ordered to open factories to cast copper yuan. Among the copper yuan in the Qing Dynasty, only one province in Sichuan had a face value of 30.
Sichuan copper coin is a popular currency in collectors'eyes because of its small circulation and short circulation time. Tibetan casters are exquisite, with historical edification and profound historical Memorial significance. They are valuable revolutionary cultural relics. At the same time, they are also the key tools of archaeological research in China. This is a delicate "Sichuan copper coin made by the army", as shown in the figure, the four words "Sichuan copper coin" are engraved in the front central bead circle, and a delicate hibiscus flower is engraved in the center of the four words, which marks Chengdu, Chengdu, Chengdu, Chengdu, Chengdu, Chengdu. The four characters of "military" are inscribed on the top of the Pearl circle, and the value of the coin at the bottom is "100 pieces of money for making money". Each side has a four-petaled flower star. The inion "Han" in the central circle on the reverse side of the silver coin represents the meaning of the new "big man" and has the meaning of "anti-Qing". There are horizontal decoration, surrounded by eighteen small circles composed of a circle, inside the vertical decoration, marking the past echoes of the 1911 Revolution in eighteen provinces. It bears the distinct epoch mark of the Revolution of 1911 and witnesses the magnificent revolutionary history of that period. The collection is a rare coin worth collecting because of its artistic browsing value and historical research significance. Compared with the silver coins Sun Xiaotou and Yuan Datou, the circulation scale of military-made silver coins in Sichuan is relatively narrow, and their circulation and stock are relatively small.
After the victory of 1911 Revolution, the Qing Emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was built. The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China was a commemorative coin published by the Republic of China, with the words "commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China" on the front and ten articles interwoven with the Dragon banner on the back. At that time, the face value of copper coins was mainly ten and twenty, while the face value of fifty coins was quite rare and precious. Sichuan copper coin was coined by the local regime of Sichuan Province in the late Qing Dynasty and the Beiyang Period. Due to the lack of silver and copper deposits in Sichuan Province and warlord's warlord's warlord's inventory after the 1911 Revolution, the material proportion and denomination of copper coins in the Central Monetary Regulations have not been strictly observed. The circulation of copper coins in Sichuan Province is very significant, resulting in high prices and affecting economic growth. "Sichuan Copper coin made by the army" was the product of the 1911 Revolution. In December 1911, the Chengdu Rebellion took place. The Sichuan Army, with Yin Changheng and Laurent as the chief and deputy governors, replaced the Sichuan Army, which had been built for only 12 days. At the beginning of the new army construction in Sichuan, it was faced with the financial predicament that needed to be spent day by day and spent day by day. The army quickly accepted the Sichuan Chengdu Mint and decided to forge "Sichuan Copper coin" for emergency
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