第一套人民币(The First Series of RMB)是在中国共产党的领导下、中国人民解放战争胜利进军的形势下,由人民政府所属国家银行在1948年12月1日印制发行的法定货币。
The first series of RMB was printed and issued by the State Bank of the people's Government on December 1, 1948 under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the victory of the Chinese people's Liberation War.
On the subject matter of the design, we choose the pattern of economic construction and people's life in the new society at that time, which vividly shows the people's political, life, culture and social situation of the liberation cause and the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, so that people can appreciate the passionate years of building a new China and a new society with concerted efforts, arduous struggle and self-reliance under the leadership of the party.
The first set of RMB was legal tender printed and issued by the newly established people's Bank of China on December 1, 1948
In 1949, with the smooth progress of the people's Liberation War, the scattered liberated areas were rapidly linked together. In order to adapt to the development of the situation, a unified currency was urgently needed to replace the currency of the liberated areas which was complex and inconvenient to convert. Therefore, on December 1, 1948, the people's Bank of China was established in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, and the unified RMB was issued on the same day. Comrade Dong Biwu, then chairman of the people's Government of North China, wrote the name of the people's Bank of China for the set of RMB.
In the summer of 1947, the war of liberation entered the stage of the victorious counter offensive of the PLA. With the cooperation of the people in the liberated areas, the field units of the PLA achieved one major victory after another. The liberated areas were further consolidated and developed. The liberated areas in North China, Northwest China and East China were gradually linked together. Trade links and material exchanges between the liberated areas were developing day by day. However, the disunity of local currencies and the instability of currency price ratio have become major obstacles to economic development and trade exchanges, which have brought great difficulties to the field army's mobile operations. Therefore, there is an urgent need to change the situation that there are many kinds of currencies in the liberated areas, such as various types, different prices and inconvenient mutual conversion.
On October 24, 1947, the North China finance and Economics Office of the CPC Central Committee was set up to lead the financial and economic work in North China and to carry out the unified currency work. Soon, the bank currency of Shanxi Chahar Hebei border region stopped issuing, and the bank currency of Southern Hebei became the unified currency of the liberated area of North China. In January 1948, the northwest liberated area stopped issuing bank currency of Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region, and the northwest peasant bank currency became the unified currency of the northwest liberated area. In October, Beihai bank currency of Shandong liberated area circulated with that of North China liberated area. In November, Beihai banknotes were uniformly circulated in the liberated areas of North China. From then on, Beihai banknotes became the unified currency in Shandong and central China. By the end of 1948, except for the Central Plains and Northeast China, which had become independent monetary systems, the work of currency unification in the three liberated areas of North China, Northwest China and East China was basically completed.
In order to meet the needs of the development of the situation and further unify the currency of the liberated areas, the people's Government of North China, the people's Government of Shandong, the people's Government of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia and the people's Government of Shanxi and Suiyuan decided to merge the Bank of North
China in the liberated area of North China, the Bank of Beihai in the liberated area of Shandong Province and the Northwest Rural Bank of Northwest China in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, on December 1, 1948. First general manager Nan Hanchen, deputy manager Hu Jingyun, Guan Xuewen. At the same time, it began to issue unified RMB, which was the first set of RMB issued by the people's Bank of China after its establishment. The words "people's Bank of China" on the first set of RMB were inscribed by Comrade Dong Biwu, chairman of the people's Government of North China at that time. The first batch of RMB was issued in three categories: 10 yuan, 20 yuan and 50 yuan, which were first used in the three liberated areas of North China, Shandong and Northwest China. Subsequently, three types of RMB were issued, namely RMB 1, RMB 5 and RMB 100. Since then, all kinds of coupons and pages of RMB have been gradually extended to all liberated areas of the country.
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