The Chinese nation has a long history of using jade and making jade. The planning, output value and variety of the jade in the Qing Dynasty were unprecedented in the history of ancient jade carvings in China. Its craft level has become a great achievement in the ancient times, and it has set off a jade climax in ancient China. The representative of its artistic achievements is “Qianlong Jade”. In China, more than 2,000 years ago, the white marble was found to be such a noble and elegant material. The artistic creation of carving with this high-quality material has already been more than 2,000 years old.
This white marble bowl is light in shape, round mouth, slightly squat, deep arc belly, flat bottom, short circle foot, good quality, thick surface coating, white marble is harder but harder and brittle, so the art of white marble carving is extremely Rare. Those who can be regarded as works of art must use the top white marble, which is made of top white marble. It has not been weathered for tens of millions of years. It is extremely rare and valuable to keep the collection intact. The whole piece is made in one go, the carvings are exquisite and delicate, and the whole concept is exquisite and symbolic. The materials used are large and difficult to find, which is very precious. Although the whole object is simple in carving, but the elegant, dignified and generous atmosphere is not reduced, and the floral picture on the inner wall of the bowl adds a touch of color to it, which greatly enhances the artistic appreciation of this object. It is a rare piece. Good product.
The jade articles of the Qianlong period won the world's applause with its exquisite craftsmanship, and it is first-class in the carving technique. The reason why "Qilong Jade" has repeatedly created high prices in various large-scale auctions has its unique historical environment: the stability of the political situation during the Qianlong period, the prosperity of national power, and the unprecedented accumulation of wealth provide sufficient conditions for luxury enjoyment. The love of the royal family. It is precisely because of the jade culture of the Qianlong period that the jade works of this period were fine and the technology reached the point of perfection. In the current jade market, “Qianlong Jade” is a major overlord. Most of the jade auction records were created by “Qianlong Jade”. Compared with the jade articles of other eras, the jade articles of the Qianlong period frequently appeared in the sky, which can be seen as an irreplaceable position in the eyes of collectors.
In the Qing Dynasty, jade workers were good at drawing on the achievements of painting, sculpture and arts and crafts. They gathered a variety of traditional workmanships such as Yinxian, Yangxian, Kongkong and Pretty, and the artistic styles of the past. They also absorbed the influence of foreign art and combined them to create and It has developed a craftsmanship and a highly decorative jade craft, with distinct characteristics of the times and high artistic attainments. Decorated with jade ornaments. Due to the difference in jade materials, the different skills of jade jade tools and jade jade, and the difference in aesthetic tastes and customs, the style and theme of jade in each period are different.
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