Kunlun Baiyu, Qinghai Province, is located in the plateau and hilly area along the Qinghai Tibet highway in the southwest of Golmud City, Qinghai Province. Although the altitude is very high, the deposit is very close to the riverbed around it, and the relative height difference is only a few hundred meters. It lacks the conditions for abrasion and rolling. Therefore, the main form of production is the mountain material of primary ore, a small amount of mountain water material of secondary ore type, and the crusts mainly include stone crust and sugar crust.
Classification of white jade crust in Kunlun, Qinghai Province. A kind of carbonate surrounding rock, mainly distributed outside the jade body, in the form of fiber, low hardness, and gradually calcified into powder through weathering erosion, forming a layer of white stone crust. According to the weathering degree, it can penetrate into the jade body at different depths and positions, usually between a few centimeters and a dozen centimeters.
The other is the tremolite cortex, which refers to the adhesion of the rough tremolite on the surface of the jade body. The boundary between tremolite and jade layer is obvious, and the transition layer is clear. The common stone shells gradually contact with white, ash, turquoise and black jade layers, forming four special white jade varieties of Qinghai white, ash jade, turquoise and black white jade. Soot is produced in a separate thin layer. The gray cortex was formed on the edge of white jade because of the concentration of gray purple and smoke gray. The cortex is thicker and gradually transited to white jade body.
此昆仑白玉蟾以白玉为材,整体雕刻而成,整方玉玉质温润,望之如云彩通透,生机勃发而雄浑沉静。印面面积为19.5cmx13.8cm。堑基高9cm,重量3105g。昆仑玉属于软玉。昆仑玉因为构成的纤维交织细密,使得玉石的韧性很好,不容易损坏,光泽温润,呈显的是油脂的玻璃泽感或些许的呈油脂的光泽感,给人非常温润的感觉。业内有时习惯上称为“青海白”。呈灰 白—蜡白色,半透明,透明度明显好于和田白玉,质地细润,产出块度较大,有少量达到“ 羊脂白玉”品质。业内人士根据其不同的外观特征形象地描述为:奶白玉、透水白玉、梨花 白、米汤白等品种。青海白玉质地细润均匀,块度大,属上等好料。此昆仑白玉蟾整体线条流畅,精、气、神俱现,作品造型活灵活现,蕴含深沉内敛的中华文化。即浑中透出宁静泰然,是当代中国玉雕的典緹之作。
The white jade toad in Kunlun is made of white jade. It is carved as a whole. The whole jade is warm and moist. It looks like a cloud. It is vigorous and calm. The printing area is 19.5cmx13.8cm. The cutting base is 9cm in height and 3105g in weight. Kunlun jade belongs to nephrite. Kunlun jade has good toughness and is not easy to be damaged due to its fine interwoven fibers. Its luster is warm. It shows the glass luster of grease or a little luster of grease, which gives a very warm feeling. The industry is sometimes used to be called "Qinghai white". It is gray white to waxy white, translucent, and its transparency is obviously better than that of Hetian white jade. It has a fine texture and a large block size, and a small amount of it reaches the quality of "lanolin white jade". According to their different appearance characteristics, people in the industry vividly describe it as follows: milky white jade, permeable white jade, pear flower white, rice soup white and other varieties. Qinghai white jade is fine and even in texture, with large block size, which is a good material. The whole line of Kunlun white jade toad is smooth, refined, Qi and spirit are all present, and the shape of the work is vivid, containing deep and introverted Chinese culture. That is to say, it is quiet and serene, which is the classic work of contemporary Chinese jade carving.
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