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Newton DAO Officially Launched: A New Chapter in Decentraliz

2025-01-23 15:42编辑:li8i9ue人气:

Today, Newton DAO was officially launched, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of decentralized governance. Initiated and driven by the collective efforts of NEW token holders, Newton DAO is a fully decentralized autonomous organization. With the Newton founding team stepping down from management, the community now has full control over the project's direction.

Newton DAO is committed to advancing innovation in global payments, decentralized finance (DeFi), and real-world asset (RWA) tokenization. By leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts, the DAO aims to drive sustainable growth and foster collaboration within its community.

This community-driven initiative places governance in the hands of its token holders, ensuring transparency, inclusivity, and accountability. Through decentralized decision-making and automated smart contracts, Newton DAO eliminates intermediaries and creates a self-sustaining ecosystem.

The DAO will soon unveil its development plans and milestones. To join the Newton DAO community and stay updated, visit the official website or connect through the following channels:

Website: https://newtondao.org/
Telegram: https://t.me/Newtonproject
X (formerly Twitter): https://x.com/newton_project


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