The precious and scarce of tianhuangshi: tianhuangshi in Shoushan Stone enjoys the reputation of "soft gold" in the world of gold and stone. Shoushan County, Fujian Province, is the only country in the world that produces this kind of stone in a field less than one square kilometer. Because its color is yellow and it is produced in paddy field, it gets its name. This kind of stone is moist and delicate, which can be called the best in soft printing materials.
The Ming and Qing Dynasties were used as tributes to the imperial court, and were carved into imperial seals and various kinds of literary ornaments. Therefore, Tianhuang is also known as the "emperor in the stone", whose value is extraordinary. According to the records of Shoushan stone, Tianhuang was formed millions of years ago at the end of the Tertiary period. Some of the ores in Shoushan stone mine were eroded by wind and rain, separated from the deposit and scattered on the rocks beside the stream, gradually covered by sand and soil, forming an alluvial sand bed, which sank in the field and under the river bank. However, these ores were buried in the sand for a long time, with a long day and a long time, and the surface iron was acidified, resulting in a thick outer color and a light inner color It has the characteristics of color skin, radish grain
and red tendon. This kind of stone is only produced at the bottom of a paddy field near a stream about eight kilometers in Shoushan.
From the point of view of the location characteristics of Tianhuang stone, all works carved by Tianhuang are regarded as cultural relics, because they cannot be reproduced are works of art that cannot be regenerated. Tianhuangshi has a very low output, and after hundreds of years of continuous mining, so
far, it has been completely excavated. All the things that Tianhuang can spread to this day have been regarded as rare treasures and kept in collection institutions at home and abroad, while those scattered among the people have also been hidden by collectors. The history of Tianhuang seal engraving is thousands of years, which can be traced back to the Wei Jin period at least. The varieties of Tianhuang stone include orange peel yellow, orange peel red, golden yellow, loquat yellow, osmanthus yellow, ripe chestnut yellow, etc.
This tianhuangshi seal weighs 1103.5g. Its surface is mainly red and yellow. Its texture is clean, delicate and moist. It has a natural coating on its surface. The color is a little dark and the ancient charm is full of vitality. It is translucent in general, with disordered lines and lines on its surface. It is carved with a dragon on it. It has a majestic shape, handsome in print, neat in description, good in stone and good in carving. It complements each other and has a very high artistic and appreciation value.
At present, the most expensive stones in the world are diamonds from South Africa. But I don't hesitate to say that in the near future, China's topaz will catch up with and surpass South Africa's diamonds and become the most expensive stone in the world
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