Is Korean Botox Safe?
Korea aethetic products:#meditox #meditoxin #botulax #dermalex #revolex
If you are someone who has had Botox injections or is considering getting Botox in Korea, you may have wondered what differences there are between the different brands. Why are some brands cheaper than others? Are they safe? The average consumermay tell you that there must be a reason against trusting the cheaper Korean Botox brands, or you may have read somewhere or heard from someone that if you have the money it is safest to go with the American or German brands like Allergan and Xeomin.
So is there any truth to this myth?
Countless research and studies have proven that when used right, Botox, including Korean Botox is a very safe procedure with very little side effects and most of which are non-permanent. Botox can be used for clinical purposes like muscle movement disorders, but its most well-known use is for aesthetic purposes. Not just for removing wrinkles, Botox is becoming increasingly widespread in use for changing the face contours and preventative purposes. But still, the images of people not being able to move parts of their face is too horrifying to completely ignore for even the most seasoned users of Botox, and so the question is asked frequently, are all brands for Botox effective and safe?
The logical reason for their comparatively lower price range is because they are distributed by local manufacturers. Actually, four of the nine manufacturers of Botox distributing globally are Korean Botox manufacturers, and Meditoxin (the fourth developed Botox in the world) of the Korean company Medytox is distributed in 60 countries. This by itself cannot determine its safety and it wanes in comparison to 'Botox' of American brand Allergan and the first of its kind that has 7 million procedures on patients over 20 years of practice and across 70 countries to back its case.
But in Korea, due to high cost competition, the cheaper Korean Botox brands have gotten the nod over foreign brands, with the three largest manufacturers combined – Medytox, Hugel, Daewoong Pharmaceutical – claiming over 90% of the market share.
Korean Botox brands have built their own reputation for administration locally and in a country with the highest number of cosmetic treatments per capita and no shortage of seasoned doctors, their track record cannot be completely ignored. And for those that may have skepticism of any Food and Drug Administration approval outside of the United States of America, there is also a Korean Botox brand, Nabota, that credited approval by the FDA. The verdict is still for the individual to decide, but keep in mind that whatever the brand of Botox, it’s the doctor’s experience with it that matters most!
If you need anything else to ask you can contact person below who is an
aesthetic product counselor in South Korea.
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->wechat ID: xinxinlaoda1210
->instargram: ckmaesthetic
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