The third renminbi of the renminbi was issued by the People's Bank of China on April 20, 1962. It is equal to the second set of RMB, and is mixed with the market. Compared with the second set of renminbi, this set of renminbi canceled the three-yuan banknotes and added four metal coins of one, two, five, and one yuan, and retained one, two, and five-dollar notes. The six characters of the "People's Bank of China" in the banknotes were written by Mr. Ma Wenwei. The two seals on the ticket are the "Chapter of the President" and the "Deputy President's Chapter". The back of the banknotes is printed with the words "People's Bank of China" written in Chinese Pinyin, Mongolian, Uyghur, Tibetan, and Zhuang. The third set of RMB issued on April 15, 1962, dated on the 1st banknote, and ceased to flow on July 1, 2000. It lasted for 38 years.
The characteristics of the third set of RMB: First, the theme is clear. The content echoes each other and is rich in national characteristics, symbolizing the new reform of cultural education. The front of the 1 yuan voucher is a female tractor hand map, which symbolizes agriculture as the foundation. The sheep on the back symbolizes the development of animal husbandry; the 2 yuan voucher is a picture of the lathe worker, symbolizing the industry as the leading 5 yuan voucher for the steelworker, symbolizing the industry Steel is the key; the oil mines and open-pit coal mines on the back of the 2, 5 yuan coupons symbolize the development of the energy industry; the 10 yuan coupons are the "people's representatives step out of the town hall" map, symbolizing the people's participation in the political affairs, the master of the house, the back with red peony flowers And the ribbons set off Tiananmen, symbolizing the prosperity and unity of the great motherland.
The second feature is to further break the idea of frame design. In addition to the originally designed jujube 1 vouchers, the coin retains the deformed bottom border, and all the frames are eliminated, making it an open composition. In this way, the picture on the smaller ticket surface is broad and far-reaching.
The third is rich in color. The second set of renminbi is basically monochromatic due to printing technology. Such a face is not good enough for beauty and is not conducive to anti-counterfeiting. In addition to a basic color tone, the third set of RMB has also adopted multi-color printing technology, which makes the picture color lively and rich, and improves the anti-counterfeiting performance. With the appreciation of the renminbi, the investment and collection of the renminbi and its derivatives have also shown an increasingly strong signal of warming. Although the third set of RMB has a relatively large increase in short-term, its price is relatively high compared with the previous two sets of RMB, and the market supply is limited. The market outlook still has a large upside. From the perspective of collection, it is the most promising and appreciation potential of a set of RMB banknotes.
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